Getting the monthly blues? Mood swings? Troubled with menopause?
It is not easy for women today to live a natural life. As long as she can conceive, she would have to suppress this ability with artificial hormones - the "pill". Then again, she often is advised to swallow hormones during the menopause. And in between she has to live with an unnatural cycle when taking the pill, or she suffers under the "premenstrual syndrome".
But natural relief has been used by women for centuries as a natural contraception and to balance hormone fluctuations, as well as assisting suffering during the menopausal years.
Did you know...
...that before 1942, the Mexican wild yam was relatively
unknown? Out of the estimated 600 different types of yams that grow
around the world, the Mexican Wild Yam is one which stands out in the
field of natural health as now widely recognised and respected. Before
taking a look at why this yam has risen in status so widely, let's take a
look at yams around the world.
Yams are one of the most popular
root vegetables in the world! They are eaten as part of the regular diet
from Latin America, Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean through to Oceania.
Yams are the root vegetable of the climbing vine plants called
Dioscorea, named after the Greek naturalist, Pedanius Dioscorides. The
Mexican Wild Yam grows extensively across Central America.
there are estimated to be more than 600 different types of yam which
vary in size and colour from white, yellow, pink and orange through to
purple. Yams can be either quite small or can grow to an enormous size.
It is estimated that approximately 95% of the worldwide yam supply comes
from Africa, mainly West Africa.
The Secret Ingredient
Plants contain their own
unique plant nutrients, chemicals and hormones. In 1942, US researcher,
Russell Marker, discovered the presence of a unique plant hormone in
the Mexican Wild Yam, which was named as diosgenin.
What is Diosgenin?
is the main active ingredient of the wild yam and Mexican wild yam
plants and is known as a phytoestrogen or plant estrogen. Diosgenin
(from the modern Latin genus name Dioscorea + genin which is a chemical
addition to a word), is what is known as a precursor to the female
hormone, progesterone. Diosgenin was later used for manufacturing the
first female birth control pill in the late 1950s.
I myself can say that I greatly benefited from taking
and can only recommend it as the positive side effects I have seen
in myself are no mood swings, a nicer skin and I noticed an
overall increased energy level to name but a few.
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