Tuesday, 31 July 2012


The truth about MSM…find out things that will amaze you!
How can one supplement be so multi-beneficial?
Skin, hair, nails, muscles, aches, pains, parasites and more…

Is it really possible that MSM can be used for so many different symptoms?
Can it really help skin, hair, nails, muscles, aches, pains and more?
Why is it that for centuries, mineral springs have bought natural pain relief to arthritis sufferers and rheumatism?

MSM or Methylsulfonylmethane as it is called - is the form of sulphur found in living organisms – and is one of Nature Power’s customer favourites. 

Could MSM be one of the nutrients with the
widest number of benefits?

When taken orally, MSM is often used for :  aching muscles, leg & back cramps, muscle tension, wound healing, shortness of breath, lung disorders, smoker's cough, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, fungal infections, urinary tract infections, Alzheimer's, lung conditions, rheumatism, migraine, obesity, diabetes, Post Menopausal Syndrome (PMS), liver disorders, hay fever, morning fatigue, hormonal imbalances and radiation.

Applied externally, MSM is effective against: acne, bruises, skin problems (eczema), varicose veins, bursitis and tendonitis, muscle aches, burns, athlete's foot sunburn, skin and athlete's foot can be treated with MSM as well as tinea (athlete’s foot).

MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) is found in almost every plant and every animal. Heating or cooking causes loss of MSM, so fresh fruits and vegetables may retain a higher concentration of MSM. The MSM content in food may be destroyed through any one of the many food processing methods. For example, raw milk may contain anywhere between 2 and 5 milligrams of MSM per kilogram, however pasteurized milk contains considerably less -  0.25 mg/kg.

MSM is often used to enhance the effect of most vitamins and nutrients such as vitamin C, co-enzyme Q10, all B-vitamins, selenium and magnesium and may help to improve their cellular uptake. For this reason, it is estimated that a regularly taken MSM supplement may work very effectively. MSM is also used to help form collagen and keratin, the main components of hair and nails.

Friday, 27 July 2012


                     Have you heard about 
             THE MIRACLE NUTRIENT yet?

Let me ask you this:
Do you suffer from any of these symptoms and have not found a way how to handle them?
•  Insomnia                                     • Heart attack
•  Restless sleep                            • Osteoporosis
•  Wake up tired                            • PMS

•  Back pain                                    • Exhaustion
•  Neck pain                                    • lncreased stress
•  Joint pain                                   • Depression

•  Cluster headaches                    • Anxiety

•  Migraine headaches                 • Nervousness
•  High blood pressure                • Chronic fatigue
•  Weakness                                   • Stiff muscles
•  Constipation                              • Muscle ticks
•  Leg cramps                                • Muscle twitches
•  Heart condition                        • Stroke   
Well, we here is good news for you as we have the answer:
All of these are symptoms of a magnesium deficiency. The more of these signs you have, the greater the deficiency.
Taking Magnesium  (of the right kind) will gradually make these symptoms disappear. All by itself, magnesium will perform miracles for you. What I actually mean is: you will see results.
Well, I had a friend who kept telling me about his heart beat stopping every so often… Can you believe that? lt just stops beating. With enough magnesium (of the right kind), your heart will start beating again within seconds. I would call that a miracle, could you agree?
Other people suffer from too fast a heart beating… it is racing. Again, that can be handled!
Who can tell where that comes from? 
Let alone how to get it back to normal...
What about this one? You are nervous. You have muscle cramps; you suffer from insomnia (can't sleep). You have had these body difficulties for ten years and nothing has given you any relief. In all that time no one was able to help you. Your doctor might say: You have to live with that, sorry… or you take medication, but not sure if that handles the symptoms!
The list could go on and on.
Try Magnesium (it is actually Magnesium-citrate) as you can see it here:


Friday, 20 July 2012


                     Please take advantage of 
               Nature Power SPECIAL OFFER

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Mexican Wild Yam

Getting the monthly blues? Mood swings? Troubled with menopause? 


Tuesday, 10 July 2012

A Healthy Balance


Health could be said to be a balance of all the nutrients the body needs in the proper ratio, so that a healthy balance is provided and maintained. One way to look at being healthy is that we have the necessary nutrients our bodies need for energy, growth, repair, protection and reproduction. The human body is undoubtedly a product of Mother Nature, the provider of all the natural food we need for life. Eating a well-balanced diet that is rich in a variety of nutrients, is a great place to start on the road to health and longevity.

Monday, 9 July 2012

Healthy Nutrients from Nature's Power

Nature provides us with a wealth of health-giving nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and trace elements. 

In order for our bodies to maintain and stay physically energised, our diets should be varied and balanced, making sure we have plenty of the right nutrients in the right quantities. 

Our bodies have immune systems designed to maintain a healthy balance and to protect us against exposure to bacteria, parasites, toxic materials, pollutants and environmentally harmful substances. These protective mechanisms work best when we have a wholesome balance of vital nutrients. 

Health could be said to be a co-ordinated interaction of these natural nutrients. On our website www.naturepower.co.uk you will find a wealth of information concerning natural health. We hope you enjoy reading this and sharing our philosophy.